SATuRN and BioAfrica open access reports:

Here we provide you with sections from our open access annual reports, which are directed at public health practitioners, policies makers, doctors, researchers and the general public.
The objective of these reports is to present the key aspects of our work in an accessible, summarized format. The majority of the work presented has been published in peer-reviewed publications and can be seen in the publications section of

2nd Nurses and Health Care Workers Drug Resistance Training for the scale-up of resistance testing in the Free State Province, South Africa

Authors: Dominique Goedhals & Cloete van Vuuren

On 31 May 2012, the Free State Initiative on Resistance, Surveillance and Treatment (FIRST) and the Southern African Treatment Resistance Network (SATuRN) group hosted an HIV drug resistance training workshop in collaboration with the Free State Department of Health Comprehensive Care Management and Treatment of HIV and AIDS Program (CCMT).

The workshop was attended by 62 health care workers from clinics and hospitals within the Motheo and Xhariep districts of the Free State. The aim of the workshop was to provide an update on current guidelines regarding treatment failure and resistance testing, the identification and management of patients with treatment failure, and especially to highlight the factors which often contribute towards non-adherence and treatment failure.

The team of presenters was comprised of specialist physicians, a psychiatrist, pathologist, and dietician, reflecting the multi-disciplinary approach which is needed to manage these patients effectively. Group discussions were held in which participants were asked to share the challenges and successes that they encounter in the antiretroviral treatment program.

In the final session, information was provided regarding the scale-up of the European Commission funded FIRST project in the Free State and health care workers were invited to submit samples from patients with treatment failure for HIV resistance genotyping. The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive and further training workshops are planned for the remaining four health care districts in the Free State province.

Latest Reports

KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).

Location: K-RITH Tower Building
Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN
719 Umbilo Road, Durban, South Africa.
Director: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira