Title: A new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus
Authors: Hill V, Cleemput S, Pereira JS, Gifford RJ, Fonseca V, Tegally H, Brito AF, Ribeiro G, de Souza VC, Brcko IC, Ribeiro IS, De Lima ITT, Slavov SN, Sampaio SC, Elias MC, Tran VT, Kien DTH, Huynh T, Yacoub S, Dieng I, Salvato R, Wallau GL, Gregianini TS, Godinho FMS, Vogels CBF, Breban MI, Leguia M, Jagtap S, Roy R, Hapuarachchi C, Mwanyika G, Giovanetti M, Alcantara LCJ, Faria NR, Carrington CVF, Hanley KA, Holmes EC, Dumon W, Lima ARJ, de Oliveira T, Grubaugh ND..
Journal: PLoS Biology,22(9):e3002834. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002834.: (2024)
Citation: Hill V, Cleemput S, Pereira JS, Gifford RJ, Fonseca V, Tegally H, Brito AF, Ribeiro G, de Souza VC, Brcko IC, Ribeiro IS, De Lima ITT, Slavov SN, Sampaio SC, Elias MC, Tran VT, Kien DTH, Huynh T, Yacoub S, Dieng I, Salvato R, Wallau GL, Gregianini TS, Godinho FMS, Vogels CBF, Breban MI, Leguia M, Jagtap S, Roy R, Hapuarachchi C, Mwanyika G, Giovanetti M, Alcantara LCJ, Faria NR, Carrington CVF, Hanley KA, Holmes EC, Dumon W, Lima ARJ, de Oliveira T, Grubaugh ND.. A new lineage nomenclature to aid genomic surveillance of dengue virus PLoS Biology,22(9):e3002834. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002834.: (2024).
KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).
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