Invitation to the launch of the HIV and TB drug resistance & clinical management case book

University of Pretoria invites you to attend the launch of the publication HIV and TB resistance & clinical management case book. The invitation is writen in three official South African languages: Afrikaans, English and Sepedi.

Prof Eric Buch, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Pretoria, in partnership with the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of South Africa, the South African Medical Research Council Inflammation and Immunity Unit, the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies and the University of Kwazulu-Natal, invites you to attend the launch of the publication HIV and TB resistance & clinical management case book, written by Dr Theresa Rossouw of the University of Pretoria and Drs Richard Lessells and Tulio de Oliveira of the Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies.

Date: Friday 15 March 2013

Time: 10:00-13:00

Venue: Room 1-20, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences, Prinshof Campus

RSVP: Jane Moshoeshoe,, 012 354 1669 by 11 March

Drug resistance is one of the main challenges confronting HIV and TB programmes in Africa. Facing these challenges requires an understanding of how drug resistance develops, as well as up-to-date knowledge of how to diagnose and manage drug-resistant HIV and TB diseases. This book uses a case-based learning approach to present healthcare workers with the most important information needed to enable them to offer their patients the best possible care, and to improve their programmes and prevent the emergence and spread of drug resistance.

Uitnodiging na die bekendstelling van 'n gevalleboek oor weerstand teen middele vir die behandeling van MIV en TB en kliniese bestuur

Prof Erich Buch, Dekaan van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, in samewerking met die Afvaardiging van die Europese Unie na die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Navorsingsraad se Inflammasie- en Immuniteitseenheid, die Afrika-sentrum vir Gesondheid- en Bevolkingstudies en die Universiteit van KwaZulu-Natal, nooi verteenwoordigers hiermee uit na die bekendstelling van die publikasie HIV and TB resistance & clinical management case book, geskryf deur dr Theresa Rossouw van die Universiteit van Pretoria en drs Richard Lessells en Tulio de Oliveira van die Afrika-sentrum vir Gesondheid- en Bevolkingstudies.

Datum: Vrydag 15 Maart 2013

Tyd: 10:00-13:00

Plek: Kamer 1-20, Skool vir Tandheelkunde, Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, Prinshofkampus

RSVP: Jane Moshoeshoe,, 012 354 1669 teen 11 Maart

Middelweerstand is een van die hoofuitdagings vir MIV- en TB-programme in Afrika. Om hierdie uitdagings die hoof te bied, verg begrip van hoe middelweerstand ontwikkel, asook die jongste kennis oor die diagnose en bestuur van middelweerstandige MIV- en TB-siektes. Die boek het 'n leerbenadering wat op werklike gevalle gebaseer is ten einde aan gesondheidswerkers die belangrikste inligting te gee wat hulle benodig om aan hul pasiente die beste moontlik sorg te bied, asook om hul programme te verbeter en die ontstaan en verspreiding van weerstand teen middele te voorkom.

Taletso go tsebiso ya puku ya direkote tsa HIV le TB tsa go retelela dihlare le taolo ya kalafo

Prof Eric Buch, Hlogo ya Lefapha la Thutamahlale a Maphelo la Yunibesithi ya Pretoria, ka tshomisano le Kemedi ya Dinagakopano tsa Yuropa go Repabliki ya Afrika-Borwa, Lekala la Tshonto le Keko ya Lekgotla la Dinyakisiso tsa Kalafo la Afrika-Borwa, Senthara ya Afrika ya Dithuto tsa Maphelo le Batho, le University of Kwazulu-Natal, di laletsa maloko a bobegaditaba go tsenela thakgolo ya phatlalatso ya HIV and TB resistance & clinical management case book , ya go ngwalwa ke Dr Theresa Rossouw wa Yunibesithi ya Pretoria, le Dr Richard Lessells le Dr Tulio de Oliveira ba Senthara ya Afrika ya Dithuto tsa Maphelo le Batho.

Tsatsikgwedi: Labohlano 15 Hlakola 2013

Nako: 10:00-13:00

Lefelo: Phaposi 1-20, Sekolo sa Thutameno, Lefapha la Thutamahlale a Maphelo, Khamphase ya Prinshof

Phetolo: Jane Moshoeshoe,, 012 354 1669 pele ga la 11 Hlakola

Go retelela dihlare ke yengwe ya ditlhohlo tse di kgolo ya go lebana le mananeo a HIV le TB mo Afrika. Go lwantsha ditlhohlo tse go nyaka kwesiso ya gore go retelela dihlare go thoma bjang, le yona tsebo ye e feletsego ya bjale ya gore malwetsi a HIV le TB a go retelela dihlare a lemogwa le go laolwa bjang. Puku ye e somisa mokgwa wa go ithuta wa go thewa godimo ga dinyakisiso go fa bahlankedi ba tsa maphelo tshedimoso ya bohlokwahlokwa yeo e nyakegago gore ba kgone go fa balwetsi ba bona tlhokomelo ya kalafo ye kaone ka mo go kgonegago, le go kaonafatsa mananeo a bona le go thibela go thoma le go phatlalala ga go retelela dihlare.

The HIV & TB Drug Resistance Clinical Management Case Book is free for download at our website

News date: 2013-03-05


Publication cited

RegaDB: Community-driven data management and analysis for infectious diseases. Libin P, Beheydt G, Deforche K, Imbrechts S, Ferreira F, Van Laethem K, Theys K, Carvalho AP, Cavaco Silva J, Lapadula G, Torti P, Assel M, Wesner S, Snoeck J, Ruelle J, De Bel A, Lacor P, De Munter P, Van Wijngaerden E, Zazzi M, Kaiser R, Ayouba A, Peeters M, de Oliveira T, Alcantara L, Grossman Z, Sloot P, Otelea D, Paraschiv S, Boucher C, Camacho R, and Vandamme AM, Bioinformatics (2013), 29 (11):1477-1480, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btst162 .

KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).

Location: K-RITH Tower Building
Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN
719 Umbilo Road, Durban, South Africa.
Director: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira