SATuRN at the 43rd Union World Conference on Lung Health

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, 14-17 Nov 2012, SATuRN researchers Dr. Richard Lessells and Dr. Tulio de Oliveira had a very successful TB conference. In this post we cover their presentations, workshops participation and tweeter coverage.

Dr. Lessells delivered two oral posters presentation, which covered the Wellcome Trust trail of GenExpert in rural KwaZulu-Natal. In addition, they both attended a very interesting pre conference post-graduate workshop on diagnostics implementation, an official work dinner with the TB centre from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a couple of invited discussion meetings with the TB alliance and TB-KNVC.

Tweeter coverage - used the official conference tag #Kuala2012

17 November 2012

Very interesting presentations on the usage of GIS to map drug resistance and laboratory quality in Uganda! #kuala2012

South Africa on target to reach 2.5m on #HIV treatment by 2014

Fear of high pill burden for HIV & TB dual treatment is one of the main reasons for not starting dual therapy in Mozambique. #Kuala2012

Jurgens Peters: policies on integrated HIV-TB services in pregnancy are not implemented properly in Northern Cape #SA #kuala2012

Sheila Tlou: a well-trained and motivated workforce is critical to addressing the HIV and TB epidemics #kuala2012

Sheila Tlou: community support keeps people on antiretroviral therapy #kuala2012 #adherence

UN Political declaration 2011 - Halve #TB deaths among amount people living with HIV. SATuRN say halve drug resistance! #Kuala2012

Prof. S Tlou, Botswana, show compiling evidence that ARVs decrease by five-fold #TB incidence on HIV+ patients. #kuala2012

Very good to see molecular diagnostics to be used for #TB treatment management! Many interesting new platforms arising #Kuala2012

"Every day I cry for an hour; injections leave me unable to walk" - MDR TB patient on treatment in India, quoted by MSF #kuala2012 #tbposse

Great presentation by Wendy Stevens on the scalability of #TB GeneXpert in South Africa, the top country on use of GeneXpert #kuala2012

Nice to see photo of Eduan and Kat from Africa Centre in @HEARD_UKZN photos

Great photos! RT @HEARD_UKZN: I posted 17 photos on Facebook in the album "Showcasing KZN Research on HIV and AIDS"

MSF Uganda: yield of microscopy & culture similar from string test compared to induced sputum in patients unable to expectorate #kuala2012

16 November 2012

Rein Houben @LSHTM_TB: surprisingly little genetic variation between linked cases but uncertainty over time since transmission complicates

Rein Houben of @LSHTM_TB: lots still to learn about how whole genome sequencing can help us understand TB transmission #kuala2012

Rein Houben of @LSHTM_TB presenting on using whole genome sequencing to understand transmission in Malawi #kuala2012

Guy Marks: need relevant skills and tools to diagnose and manage lung diseases at primary health care clinics #pointofcare #kuala2012

Guy Marks: addressing social determinants is critical for reducing global burden of lung diseases #kuala2012 #globalburdendisease

Excellent RESIST-TB annual preliminary results meeting tomorrow they will present their published results! Exciting developments #Kuala2012

Guy Marks: Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) should be used as a common currency when comparing difference disease burdens #Kuala2012

@iambaikong Add to this: less than 3-10% people with #MDRTB get access to services,90-97% receive NO care #lungweek #tuberculosis #kuala2012

'Cure rate for MDRTB using the current drugs is only 50%. The other half dies' - Dr. Balasegaram #Kuala2012 #Lungweek #TB

Christian Lienhardt - New TB drugs on the horizon ? 4 repurposed drugs, 6 new drugs and 3 new classes ? #Kuala2012

Q3: Is possible to use TB individualized drug resistance treatment without drug resistance testing??? #Kuala2012

15 November 2012

TBAlliance proposes new 'rescue' study in XDR-/TDR-TB to learn new regimens, interesting new trials - #Kuala2012

TB alliance Trial Signals Major Milestone in Hunt for New TB Drug Resistance Drugs - Lancet paper - ? #kuala2012

Nice quote from AD. Harris 'what's written doesn't disappear...' > talking bout why the emphasis on papers. #Kuala2012 #Lungweek #TB

Bob Horsburgh RESIST-TB : Top 10 questions to turn the tide on MDR-TB" - #Kuala2012

#TB: Old drugs, new purpose: Retooling Existing drugs for Optimized Treatment of Resistance TB - open access #Kuala2012

SATuRN is attending the annual RESIST-TB meeting #Kuala2012, interesting DR-TB trials results for new #TB MDR effective regimens

Results of Global Burden of Disease study to be released 12/14 at @RoyalSociety in London ? #globalhealth #research

Amir Khan: TB Reach project in Karachi and Dhaka - about 20% GXP positivity and 7% RIF resistance overall #kuala2012

Harry Hausler in KZN GXP and decentralised MDR-TB management means more than 50% start MDR treatment within 5 days. Great stuff! #kuala2012

Harry Hausler: implementing Genexpert in rural KwaZulu-Natal. Low yield especially from mobile HCT sites and household screening #kuala2012

Training and laboratory capacity building in Rwanda to face HIV TB drug resistance, a success history by Dr. Nyaruhirira. #Kuala2012

Jane Carter: TB Reach project in Kenya - Xpert and culture can add to case finding but also need to improve systems/processes #kuala2012

Good morning. Today we will be covering #TB diagnostics, molecular epidemiology, drug resistance & lab science. Please follow... #Kuala2012

14 November 2012

Finally congratulations to Dr Karen Weyer - winner of the Karel Styblo Public Health prize #kuala2012 #southafrica

Congratulations to Dick Menzies - winner of the Union Scientific Prize #kuala2012

Congratulations to David Dowdy - winner of the Union Young Investigator Prize #kuala2012

Congratulations to Dr Marcos Espinal - winner of the Princess Chichibu global TB memorial award #kuala2012

Time has finally run out ? #TB cases increasingly resistant to all drugs, study warns ? #Kuala2012

Global increase of drug resistance #TB is a time bomb getting ready to explode. Prof. Lee B. Reichman, #Kuala2012 #LungWeek

@SpeakTB Two researchers from Southern African Treatment Resistance Network (SATuRN) are tweeting at @unionconference, please follow us!

Question 2: Which is worse: TB under-treatment or TB over-treatment? Send your answer #kuala2012

Question 1: Treat more vs. treat better? Will widespread TB treatment increase TB drug resistance in resource limited settings? #kuala2012

@tomayates Thanks for sending a response to our questions. Social factors & safe environment play a role on treatment success #kuala2012

2 new drugs to treat #TB are expected to come to market in 2013 & both active against #DRTB #Kuala2012 #Lungweek

David Dowdy - More active #TB more transmission! We need to identify and decrease active TB in order to decrease transmission #kuala2012

#TB drug resistance increases substantially the cost of treatment programs! It can cost half of a whole national budget! #kuala2012

Great practical session with David Dowdy demystifying cost-effectiveness analysis for diagnostics #kuala2012

@bobbyramakant Dear CNS, just posted the questions again, please help to us to get those discussed by the community. Thanks @drug_resistance

Q2: Which is worse: #TB under-treatment or #TB over-treatment? How much worse? Send your answer #kuala2012

Q1: Treat more vs treat better? Will widespread TB treatment increase TB-MRD in resource limiting settings? Send your answer #kuala2012

For those of you who havnt seen it yet. Check out a preview of 'They Go to Die' @TheyGoToDieFilm via @youtube

Answer 2 from diagnostic workshop: TB Under-treatment is worse (36/40), 10x worse. However depends on many factors? Do you agree?#kuala2012

Which is worse: #TB under-treatment or over-treatment? How much worse? Send your answer #kuala2012 #LungWeek

Treat more vs treat better? Will more widespread TB treatment spread TB-MRD in resource limiting settings? Send your answer #kuala2012

GenXpert research map site 26 research projects listed, please register your #TBMDR diagnostic project! #kuala2012

Academia & governments need to work together in a quick manner so patients can advance from new TB molecular diagnostics #kuala2012

Diagnostic workshop - Clear algorithms for dealing with #TBMDR suspects are not there, in spite of national surveillance systems #kuala2012

Patient #TB LPA question? What is our advantage? How much will cost me? #kuala2012

Policy makers #TB LPA question? What is the cost effectiveness of scaling up LPA testing as compared to other technologies? #kuala2012

Clinician #TB LPA question? Does it reduce the time to appropriate TB-MDR treatment? #kuala2012 #LungWeek

Laboratory #TB LPA question? What is the infrastructure available for drug resistance testing? will be sustainable for scale-up? #kuala2012

"Bertie" Squire diagnostic workshop - main questions from the patient, clinician, laboratory and policy makers follow #kuala2012 #LungWeek

Bertie Squire, #LSTM presenting an interactive workshop on assessing new #TB diagnostics, thinking out of the box! #kuala2012 #LungWeek

Proper evaluation of #TB diagnostics assays are needed but treatment is what make the difference! A. Ramsay, WHO, #kuala2012 #LungWeek

Andy Ramsay WHO, GenXpert discounts do not apply to Indian's private labs that detect 60% of infections, serology is still used #kuala2012

Andy Ramsay, WHO, great presentation on #TB diagnostics in India and the world. Serology vs molecular in the field #kuala2012 #LungWeek

We started our tweeter coverage of the 43 Union Conference #kuala2012 #lungweek please follow us and retweet our coverage!

News date: 2012-11-20


KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).

Location: K-RITH Tower Building
Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN
719 Umbilo Road, Durban, South Africa.
Director: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira