SATuRN annual workshop run in partnership with AWACC (UKZN, NDoH & Harvard). In total 346 participants attended the two days workshop. The workshop discussions were also very good. Here, we summarize the Tweeter coverage of the event, which contains information on the topics discussed and questions raised.
The workshop was presented at Elangeni Hotel, Durban, 9-10 Oct 2014.
Please follow SATuRN & Bioafrica Twitter to recieve the tweets in real time!
Tweets covering the event:
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 10
Ethical values are higher than legal rules in HIV. How do we deal with this dilemma? #AWACC_AIDS @AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 10
Second ethical principe - Beneficence - refers to balance the benefits of HIV treatment agains the risks and costs. #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 10
The four ethical principles for HIV - Autonomy - making sure that patients are well informed #AWACC_AIDS #SATURN
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 10
Wonderful to be part of the AWACC_AIDS SATuRN @drug_resistance is very proud to be involved in this great workshop! #AWACC_AIDS
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS , doctors should prescribe drugs and advocate for the patients to have the drugs available.
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS AWACC_AIDS get the impression you are not receiving my tweets today
Siraaj Adams @SiraajAdams Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS Excellent clinical HIV conference. Well done to Henry Sunpath and organising team
Siraaj Adams @SiraajAdams Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS 2.5million on ARV,majority on TDF,according to NHLS 72 %VL suppression,is the risk high 4 undiagnosed TDF induced renal failure
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS unable to tweet you today
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS , more than 8 weeks to access MDR TB Rx. Any concern?
Siraaj Adams @SiraajAdams Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS will starting ARV at a CD4 of 500 , will it not encourage early HIV testing and increase average baseline CD4?
ordoli dabibi @ordoli Oct 10
#awacc_aids what will be the recommended dosing schedule for PrePEP
ordoli dabibi @ordoli Oct 10
#awacc_aids what is the risk of HIV transmission in oral sex to the male partner
Siraaj Adams @AdamsSiraaj Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS will starting ARV at CD4 500 , not benefit SA by encouraging early testing and increase the average baseline CD4
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS, do medical schemes cover Ral as PEP?
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS, PEP should be 3 drugs, HAART. My opinion
Hervey Williams @herveyvw Oct 10
#AWACC_AIDS What dose of iron do you recommend for iron deficiency anaemia?
Nkosinathi Sithole @spuku_snr Oct 10
@AWACC_AIDS What's the relationship between metformin, diabetes, tenofovir, and renal impairment?
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Do you think that ERNEST will change guidelines in resistance test in 1st world? Or only in Africa? @AWACC_AIDS #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Do you think that ERNEST trial provided evidence that resistance to first line ia not important? Q to Deenan @AWACC_AIDS #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Deenan Pillay from @wellcometrust Africa Centre present on new evidence that drug resistance test may not be need for 1st line! @AWACC_AIDS
Shafrudeen Amod @Shafrudeen Oct 9
Do you think that increased doses of rifampicin(900mg to 1350mg) for eg TB meningitis will have pharmacological implications
kirsty mcharry @kirstymcharry Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS what is LAM?
Is it available?
kirsty mcharry @kirstymcharry Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS Has 3 monthly refills helped or hindered?
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Vincent Marconi @HARVARDAIDS gave an excellent presentation on social & economic causes of virological failure @AWACC_AIDS #SATURN workshop
mzimela bongani @mngunibw_20855 Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS does having the elite controllers mean we have done away with hiv carriers
View conversation
@AWACC_AIDS DVT, HIV & Warfarin: Ideally frequent monitoring than in HIV negative & warfarin dosing calculator (app) help prevent Yo-Yo INR!
philani mnguni @philani_mnguni Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS why the combination of NNRTIs and NRTIs only as the first line regimen instead of NNRTIs, NRTIs and PIs?
Ntokozo Mzimela @Ntokzie Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS , Prof Dungu: Doesn't treatment interruption increase the risk of resistance?
Vusi @vusimabena95 Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS is there a blood type which is
View conversation
Olufunso @fonzy67 Oct 9
@AWACC_AIDS can these elite controllers be the future source of HIV vaccine development?
@AWACC_AIDS with no baseline VL at testing and no pre-Rx VL monitoring and new eligibility, it will be difficult to detect elite controllers
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Do you think that ERNEST will change guidelines in resistance test in 1st world? Or only in Africa? @AWACC_AIDS #AWACC_AIDS
Siraaj Adams @SiraajAdams Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS Ernest study suggests no need for first line arv failure genotype test. Will clinicians society amend guide lines?
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Do you think that ERNEST trial provided evidence that resistance to first line ia not important? Q to Deenan @AWACC_AIDS #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Dr. Marconi, "virological failure is an emergence, with or without drug resistance testing" #AWACC_AIDS
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS, Prof Moosa please be flexible on Raltegravir : scenario of renal failure!
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS, 2nd of T/3tc/Aluvia, what if renal impairment not resolved?
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Great discussions with @HarvardAIDS and @UKZN medical students #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Lovely to see Cloete usage of ERNEST trial results for clinical management. #AWACC_AIDS #SATURN
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Understanding the mechanisms behind elite controllers critical for the elimination of HIV #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Great presentation by Prof Ndungu and Dr. Ndlovu on HIV controllers and other key populations for novel interventions #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
We just reviewed the ERNEST trial, which show at at level of 1st line therapy the 2nd
Line work! Cloete any comment? #AWACC_AIDS #SATURN
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Great presentation by Cloete Van Vurren of clinical case at #AWACC_AIDS #SATURN
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS, would you support the practice of obtaining a VL with naive HAART pts with high CD4?
Yunus Moosa @UnnieMoo Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS how do you assess the viral reservoir in patients
Yunus Moosa @UnnieMoo Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS why do elite controllers drop CD4 count.
Yunus Moosa @UnnieMoo Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS when does the virus appear in the blood after stopping ART in someone fully suppressed
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 9
#AWACC_AIDS, would you initiate TDF on a patient with a resolved AKI, normal Cr Cl but slightly elevated creatinine ~ 109 mmol/ l ?
Bijoux Mimpongo @bijouknysna Oct 9
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
We started with 3 clinical presentations on HIV. Interesting to see how medicine is not an exact science, but an art ;-) #AWACC_AIDS #SATURN
Dr N Madala- HIV and renal failure In An Environment With Restricted Renal Replacement #AWACC_AIDS
Dr AB Maharaj- Management of HIV associated Arthropathy #AWACC_AIDS @bioafrica Oct 9
We are really enjoying #AWACC_AIDS #SATURN in Durban, Great first presentation on surgery and HIV and the second started really funny ;-)
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Interesting question! How to avoid clinicians to refuse operation in low CD4+ patients? #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
First question, which Greek God has his liver torn by an eagle????? Where will Prof. Cacala take us? #AWACC_AIDS, tweet your answers!
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
1st presentation focus on surgery in HIV patients by Prof. Cacala @UKZN shows that in general surgery do not impact HIV disease #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Also great that twitter is being used for questions! Please send your question to #AWACC_AIDS & #SATURN on HIV and TB clinical care
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Really cool idea of the electronic voting system! 80% medical doctors in public sector! Great to see the translational power of #AWACC_AIDS
SATuRN @drug_resistance Oct 9
Thanks #AWACC_AIDS for inviting #SATURN to co-share the conference! We are very excited to be here via @drug_resistance
AWACC Conference finally here, please make sure to follow us on twitter on #AWACC_AIDS, post your questions as they come to mind.
News date: 2014-10-13
KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).
Location: K-RITH Tower Building
Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN
719 Umbilo Road, Durban, South Africa.
Director: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira