Contact KRISP:

KRISP is based on a state-of-art building at Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, UKZN, Durban. South Africa has one of the world’s most advanced genetic sequencing systems in order to enable and support world-class genomics research in Africa. Our objective is to use NextGen sequencing and bioinformatics to answer scientific questions that are of local, national and international importance.

Location: K-RITH Tower Building
Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine
University of KwaZulu-Natal
719 Umbilo Road, Durban, South Africa

Working hours

Monday to Friday - 8am to 5 pm
Saturday and Sunday - Closed

Laboratory Director:

Prof. Tulio de Oliveira, PhD
Tel: +27 31260 4898
Cell: +27 82 9624219
emails: | |

Platform Manager:

Dr. Jennifer Giandhari, PhD
Tel: +27 31 260 3744
Cell: +27 84 599 9930
emails: |

For Quotes for Services and/or Complaints:

Simphiwe Ntshangase
Tel: +27 31 260 4049

Information for making requests

- Online form at service section
- Contact krisp at

KRISP has been created by the coordinated effort of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), the Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) and the South African Medical Research Countil (SAMRC).

Location: K-RITH Tower Building
Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, UKZN
719 Umbilo Road, Durban, South Africa.
Director: Prof. Tulio de Oliveira